Kirk's brother, Kevin, returned from his mission on Thursday and I made him some cookies.
fit for a homecoming.
Can you read the "name tags"? Yeah, me neither. Go ahead and guess how long it took for me to write those out in Dutch. Definitely worth the time! We're glad to have you back, Kevin :)
These are super cute!
Very impressive, Carrie! Maybe I should send you pictures of the cookies you made for Peter.
I am excited to see your blog take off. It is fun to be inspired & more fun still to see what Molly gets to eat on a daily basis. This little blog of yours might prompt a few more trips from me & Peter.
Did he serve in The Netherlands? My brother went there and whenever he talks in Dutch it sounds like gibberish. Cute cookies!
Those cookies were the most fabulous breakfast lunch and dinner that I've ever had.
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